Prof. Dr Daniela Kramer
Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Hautklinik und Poliklinik Langenbeckstr. 1 55131 Mainz
+49-(0)6131-173792 Email
Webpage Kramer lab
Wollscheid H-P and Ulrich HD (2023) Chromatin meets the cytoskeleton: the importance of nuclear actin dynamics and associated motors for genome stability. DNA Repair (Amst), doi:…
Yakoub G, Choi Y-S, Wong RP, Strauch T, Ann KJ, Cohen RE and Ulrich HD (2023) Avidity-based biosensors for ubiquitylated PCNA reveal choreography of DNA damage bypass. Sci Adv,…
Fischer MA, Mustafa AHM, Hausmann K, Ashry R, Kansy AG, Liebl MC, Brachetti C, Piée-Staffa A, Zessin M, Ibrahim HS, Hofmann TG, Schutkowski M, Sippl W and Krämer OH (2023) Novel hydroxamic acid…
Ashry R, Mustafa AHM, Hausmann K, Linnebacher M, Strand S, Sippl W, Wirth M and Krämer OH (2023) NOXA Accentuates Apoptosis Induction by a Novel Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor. Cancers…