Colloquia Archive


Joint New Year's Colloquium with 4R, GenEvo, SFB 1361, SFB 1551 & SFB 1552

Prof. Dr Mita BanerjeeJGUThe Beauty of Old Cells? Narrating Age between Culture and BiologyIMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Year End Colloquium

SFB 1361 scientists IMB/JGU/UMC/GU/LMUPresentations by SFB 1361 scientists (IMB/JGU/UMC/GU/LMU)IMB/OnlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Mid Year Colloquium

SFB 1361 scientists IMB/TUDa/GU/UMCPresentations by SFB 1361 scientists (IMB/TUDa/GU/UMC)IMB Available here

SFB 1361 Christmas Colloquium
(Jointly organised with SFB 1551, GenEvo & 4R)

Prof. Hanna KokkoJGUThe tension between diversity and generalizability is what makes biology so coolIMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

SFB 1361 scientistsSFB 1361Colloquium at TU Darmstadt with presentations by SFB 1361 scientistsTU DarmstadtAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Kristine Hauschulte / Jayaprakash SrinivasanIMB / JGUMyosin VI in genome stability and aging / Diversity of in vitro end-joining complexesIMB/onlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Dominik Stroh / Erik van de LogtGU / LMUHigh-resolution prediction of the spatiotemporal DNA replication programme using GLOE-Seq data and convolutional neural networks / Hold on (un)to the end: Mechanistic insights into the DNA repair factor MRNIMB/onlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Ines Tomaskovic / Georges Blattner GU / IMB / JGUThe role of metalloprotease SPRTN in DNA damage and tumorigenesis / The proximal proteome of G-quadruplexesIMB/onlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Johanna Ertl / Christian SchwarzenbachTUD / UMCComparison of the paralogous DNA repair proteins RAD54L and RAD54B / p21-dependent CDK4 silencing and activation of the DREAM complex is sufficient to mediate B[a]P- and IR-induced cellular senescenceIMB/onlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Gabriel Mello da Cunha Longo / Maruthi Pabba IMB / TUDMolecular determinants of CRISPR/Cas9 scissile profile for precise and predictable genome editing / Dissecting the response of replisomes to genotoxic stressIMB/onlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Dr Michael Musheev / Kirill Petriukov IMBMammalian N1-adenosine PARylation is a reversible DNA modification / Analysing ubiquitin signaling in DNA damage bypass by means of tailor-made E3sIMB/onlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Prof. Perikles SimonJGUCell-free DNA in sports medicine: from gene doping detection to liquid biopsyHybrid/IMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Maximilian Donsbach / Joan Barau LMU Munich / IMB MainzAn auto-release mechanism for HMCES DNA-protein crosslinks / Transposon-induced DNA damage: friend or foe? Hybrid/IMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Orsolya LeideckerMax Planck Institute for the Biology of Ageing, Research Group JachimowiczFrom Serine ADP-ribosylation to novel players in genome maintenanceHybrid/IMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Daniela KramerUMCCrosstalk of inflammation, epigenetics and the DNA damage response in health and diseaseHybrid/IMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Maximilian ReuterImperial College London, UK / IMBMechanisms of replicative helicase loading and initial DNA melting at base-pair resolutionHybrid/IMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Katharina Spang / Natalie Schindler IMB / JGUSystematic investigation of the role of BAF complexes in genome stability and repair / Repairing ribonucleotide insertions - more than just RNase H2Hybrid/IMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Melanie Dzulko / Andreas Reichl UMC / LMURelevance of the phosphatase subunit PR130 for checkpoint kinase signaling / Intragenomic decarboxylation of 5-carboxy-deoxycytidine and deformylation of 5-formyl-deoxycytidinetbaAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Jayaprakash Srinivasan / Ilaria GhiroJGU / TUDObservations on in vitro end-joining / Repair fidelity of radiation induced double-strand breaks in G1-phase cellsonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Patrick Weyerhäuser / Leen SarminiUMC / FSUHIPK2 regulates DNA double-strand break repair by interaction with BRCA1 / Determinants of transcriptional toxicity of DNA modificationsonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Maya Wilkens / Matthias RothenederIMB / LMUAnalysis of transcriptomics and proteomics for studying the function of R-loops in S.cerevisiae / The architecture of the eukaryotic MRN complexonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Prof. Stefan HirschauerJGU / SFB 1482Human Differentiation for Biologists: An Experiment in Transcultural CommunicationonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Dr Kathi Zarnack / Dr Lars SchomacherGU / IMBMachine learning predicts determinants of accelerated senescence in yeast / Analysis of Poly-ADP-ribosylation in vitroonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Jie Shi / Dr Sébastien MoniotIMB / JGUMyosinVI in the replication stress response / Structure-function analyses of mammalian Timeless in genome maintenanceonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Georges Blattner / Gabriel Mello da Cunha LongoIMBThe proximal proteome of G-Quadruplexes / DNA fragility and repair across the 3D genomeonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Ines Tomaskovic / Dr Falk ButterGU / IMBRegulation of DNA-protein crosslinks by SPRTN metalloprotease / Quantitative interactomics of specific types of DNA damageonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Dr Paulina Prorok / Cathia RauschTUDDevelopmental differences in genome replication program and origin activationonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Dr Aurélie ErnstDKFZChromothripsis in canceronlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Jayaprakash Srinivasan / Sebastian AllmannJGU & IMB / UMCShelterin and replication fidelity of telomere sequence / Mechanisms of B[a]P induced senescence and alterations in DNA repair capacityonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Emina Merdan / Dr Natalie SchindlerTUD / JGU & IMBFidelity of enzyme-induced DNA double strand break repair by non-homologous end joining in G1 / Mechanistic understanding of Rtt101/CUL4 function at sites of single ribonucleotide insertionsonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Dr Randy HamptonUniversity of California San DiegoGifts from a science lifeonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Kristina Stakyte / Dr Franziska TraubeLMUStructural and functional characterisation of MRN & ATM in DNA double strand break repair / Nuclear moonlighting glutamate dehydrogenase supplies Tet3 in neurons with a-ketoglutarateonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Mohammed Meabed / Daniela HanischUMC Position-dependent effects of cyclobutane TT-dimer on transcription / Overcoming RAD18 mediated temozolomide resistance in glioblastoma cells by class I HDAC inhibitionTBAAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Melanie Dzulko / George YakoubUMC / IMBRelevance of the phosphatase subunit PR130 and its acetylation for checkpoint kinase signaling / Visualization of ubiquitin-dependent DNA damage bypass in space and timeonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Nadine Müller / Emily NischwitzUMC / IMBFunctional outcomes of oxidative DNA modifications in a GC-rich gene regulatory element / Investigations of DNA Damage Response in Tetrahymena thermophilaonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Marta Rodriguez / Sebastian RichenhagenUMC / TUDDetection and characterization of erroneous bypass of AP lesions during DNA and RNA synthesis / Quantitative time-resolved analysis of nuclear actin and myosin-dependent DSB repair in single cellsonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Matthias Tonn / Vera MinnekerJGU & IMB / IMBRER in S phase requires the Rtt101 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase / A screen for factors that influence the formation of oncogenic MLL translocationsonlineAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Dr Sébastien Moniot / Patrick WeyerhäuserJGU & IMB / UMCStructure-function analyses of mammalian Timeless in genome maintenance / A Role of HIPK2 in DNA double-strand break repairIMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Ilaria Ghiro / Lukas EndeTU Darmstadt / JGU & IMBAssessing the repair fidelity of radiation-induced DSBs in G1 phase / Molecular mechanisms of chromosome end protection in S. pombeIMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Dr Balca MardinBioMedXWays to generate and eliminate tumors with DNA repair deficienciesIMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Dr Lars Schomacher / Vivien SchoonenbergIMBNEIL1 and NEIL2 DNA glycosylases protect neural crest development against mitochondrial oxidative stress / Quantitative interactomics of specific types of DNA damageIMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Sebastian Allmann / Philipp BusseUMC / Frankfurt UniversityB[a]P induced repression of MMR and HR is associated with altered E2F1/E2F4 signaling and represents an early event during DNA damage-induced senescence / Biochemical and biophysical characterization of the DNA protein crosslink clearing protease SPRTNIMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Dr Paulina ProrokTU Darmstadt - Cardoso lab Effective DNA repair mechanisms and a faithful DNA replication defend genomic stability in mammalian cellsTU DarmstadtAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Thosten MoslerIMB - Beli labIdentifying novel R-loop regulatorsIMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Dr Marta GarbaczIMB - Ulrich labEvidence that DNA Pol delta contributes to initiation of leading strand DNA replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeIMBAvailable here

SFB 1361 Colloquium

Dr Juan Jose BonfiglioMPI CologneSite-specific ADP-ribosylation: time for functional analysisIMBAvailable here