Gender and diversity sensitive communication in science
date: 13 + 14 December 2021, online
coaches: Dr Isabel Fraas, Dr Anne Freese
target group: SFB 1361 PIs, Postdocs and PhD students
Unconscious bias often influences our patterns of thought and action automatically and unintentionally. In the scientific environment, these stereotypes can lead to one-sided biased personnel decisions and distorted performance appraisals, impairing communication in the team and cause exclusion effects. However, when teams have a diverse composition, they are shown to perform better. They achieve demonstrably better results and obtain multi-perspective views of their subject matter when individual needs and circumstances are taken into account.
During the seminar, we would like to familiarize you with the legal, socio-political, and scientific basics of equal opportunity. The functioning of unconscious bias will be further analyzed and it will be made possible for you to experience it personally, without asking whom to blame.
During the workshop, at the level of implementation, we would like to share with you strategies for gender- and diversity-sensitive ways of communication and teamwork as well as perspectives for leadership and organizational culture. The workshop offers you space for reflection, exchange, and professionalization of your gender and diversity competence.