New publication from the Stingele lab on a non‐proteolytic release mechanism for HMCES‐DNA‐protein crosslinks 31.07.2023 more
New publication from the Krämer and Hofmann lab on a novel hydroxamic acid derivative 17.07.2023 more
New publication from the Krämer lab on how NOXA accentuates apoptosis induction by a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor 17.07.2023 more
New publication from associated SFB member Hans-Peter Wollscheid on how nuclear myosin VI maintains replication fork stability 26.06.2023 more
New publication from the Butter lab on DNA damage repair proteins across the tree of life 21.06.2023 more
Öffentlicher Vortrag von Nina Ruge: Verjüngung ist möglich. Die neuesten Erkenntnisse der Zellbiologie - 27 Juni, 18:00 h 20.06.2023 more
New publication from the Luke lab on the repair of lesions caused by single genomic ribonucleotides in S phase 06.03.2023 more
New publication from the Hopfner lab on how MRN integrates catalytic and scaffolding functions 03.01.2023 more
Continued excellence in DNA repair and genome stability research: DFG renews collaborative research centre at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz 25.11.2022 more